Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and bugs can be reported to the Issue Tracker

or, the developer email via Settings -> About -> Request Support in Monitee app.

I already purchased the app, will I get Pro?

Yes! You shouldn’t have to pay for the same functionality twice.

Firstly, check in the app that you are not already on a “Migrated license”. To migrate your app purchase I need your Google Play Transaction ID.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Make sure you are signed in to the Google account that purchased the app
  3. Find the app purchase for Monitee
    • The title is usually “Google Play Apps” and the subtitle contain the date of purchase and the app name “Monitee”
  4. Look for the Transaction ID near the bottom of the receipt (e.g GPA.1234-5678-1234-5678)
  5. Write an email to the developer mail address with the subject “Migrate app purchase to Pro” and include the Transaction ID.
    • Find the developer email on the Play Store page or in the About screen inside the app.

Why is the app not open source?

The primary reason is that I’ve seen countless open source android apps being re-uploaded with ads, to benefit and monetize from someone else’s work.

Will my data leave my device?

My ambition is that you should be in control over the client<->server communication. Hence, the trickier setup process. To see for yourself, use the awesome and open source firewall app NetGuard.

NetGuard will notify you whenever Monitee attempt to access the internet and to what address. in these screenshots

The only hosts you should expect here is your own and when Firebase Crashlytics SDK is syncing crash data to Googles servers. Please contact me immediately if you see any other hosts there

Do you collect data on my usage of the app?

No, as stated in the Privacy Policy, the only data the app collects is crashes and errors, using Firebase Crashlytics. This is so that I can fix crashes that happen in the wild.

The Google Play Store give me information on how many people download the app per day, and this is enough statistics for my purposes.